Leadership Accreditation Pathway

Leadership Accreditation Pathway

Course Outline

Application Process

Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Course Requirements 

  1. Lead and/or co-lead a minimum of 30 Balint group case discussions over a minimum of 20 Balint group meetings during the course. Whether cases are led by a single leader or co-led they are accepted equally in the accreditation requirement to lead 30 or more case discussions during the leadership training.
  2. Arrange at least ten (10) supervision sessions each year with an accredited BSANZ Leader Trainer.
    Options for Supervision now include Group Supervision
  3. Formal leadership training: Approved BSANZ Balint Group Workshops and/or BSANZ Balint Group workshops and International workshops online or face-to-face, e.g. Balint Federation (IBF), Balint Society (UK), or American Balint Society (ABS) leadership workshops, subject to prior Training Committee approval. See notes below.
  4. Trainees may apply to the Training Committee for Recognition of Prior Learning.
  5. Each year trainees will complete and submit an online record of training. The required form is available at https://form.jotform.com/221388667132864
Desirable experience during training
  1. Co-lead with a BSANZ accredited leader for the equivalent of 20 Balint group
  2. Participate in an ongoing Balint group.
  3. Join a Supervision Group in the first year of training.
  4. At least half Balint group membership or leadership experience to be face-to-face.

An essential Requirement for Leadership Training is that a candidate attend two BSANZ Balint Group Intensives OR one BSANZ Balint Group Intensive plus one international leadership training workshop, subject to prior BSANZ Training Committee approval.

  • Approval for participation in any programme, (including those offered by BSANZ), that the candidate wishes to count towards the requirements of the BSANZ Leadership Accreditation Pathway will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  • In the case of non-BSANZ training programmes, candidates will need to submit relevant information about the programmes before approval can be given.
  • The information required is a copy of the programme, including a list of the leaders of the event.
  • Candidates are to submit a short report about their experience to the Training Committee after the event.

 Supervision Requirements

  1.  Eight to ten Individual supervision sessions for two years of the leadership training.
  2. Two of the ten (10) supervision sessions in any one year can be either co-leader supervision sessions, or group supervision sessions where the trainee has presented their own group at a group supervision meeting.
  3. There should be no less than an aggregate of ten (10) supervision sessions in each 12-month period.
  4. Supervision is arranged with BSANZ accredited Leader Trainers
  5. With a Leader Trainer in training, subject to prior approval by the Training Committee
  6. Supervisors undertake to provide annual reports on the supervision to the Training Committee and to the trainee.
  7. The trainee is required to have supervision from a minimum of two supervisors over the time of the course.
  8. Supervisors and trainees are required to adhere to the supervision arrangements and standards of the following documents.

Please email Supervision Reports to training@balintanz.org

Agreement between Supervisors and the Training Committee

Agreement between Supervisors and Supervisees

Template for Supervision Reports

Group Supervision

In 2021 the BSANZ introduced the option of Group Supervision for its first year of training in Balint leadership.
Feedback from the first group of trainees who have engaged in this option is positive, and Group Supervision will continue to be an option in the first year on the Leadership Accreditation Pathway.
The Board has approved two group supervision sessions for accreditation in any one year where the trainee has presented their own group at a group supervision meeting. (See Supervision Requirements).

Changing supervisors

Individual supervision is required with two different supervisors for at least one year each.

The trainee is required to inform the Training Committee of a change in supervisor and the name of each supervisor. The change requires the approval of the Training Committee. The committee may advise the candidate of a suitable supervisor.

Learning and Supervision Plans

  • Learning and Supervision Plans are to be written in consultation between the trainee and each supervisor and submitted to the Training Committee for approval.

Learning and Supervision Plan

Requirements for Observations

  1. Trainees are to be observed in their Balint group leadership of a case by a BSANZ accredited Leader Trainer (the ‘Observer)’) during two separate
        Balint  group meetings
      • It is desirable that one observation should be at a BSANZ Workshop or other approved Balint workshop.
      • Another observation can be at a regular Balint group meeting when the trainee is leading or co-leading a case.
      • The observations can be done in person or online.
  2. Observations are approved by and observers are appointed by the Training Committee. 
  3. The observers will provide written reports on their observations to the Training Committee, the trainee, and their supervisor. The reports will contain information on observed trainee leadership.

Guidelines for Observations

Template for Observation Reports

Roles of the Training Committee

The Training Committee has the following roles:

  1. Recommends applicants to the board for approval to begin training.
  2. Approves each of the applicant’s Learning and Supervision Plans.
  3. Assists with the selection, and sign-off on choice, of each supervisor.
  4. Receive the annual supervisor reports and each observer report.
  5. Appoints observers and approves observations.
  6. Assists the supervision process as outlined in the supervision agreement.
  7. Monitors progress through training.
  8. Requests and reviews a piece of reflective writing from the trainee towards the end of their training.
  9. Is available to the trainee to address training issues.

Completion of Training

The Training Committee requires the following:

  1. The submission by the trainee of a piece of reflective writing, in which they reflect on their learning experiences and suitability for Leadership Accreditation as follows:
    Reflect upon your learning during Balint leadership training and how it will influence your leadership work (approximately 2,000 words).
  2. A record of the Balint experiences while on the Leadership Pathway, including the number of Balint groups attended as a member and as a leader, the number of cases led during training, the Balint workshops and other Balint activities attended.
  3. A final report from their current supervisor concerning the suitability of the trainee for Leadership Accreditation. This report must be discussed between the supervisor and trainee prior to submission to the Training Committee.
  4. On completion of the Requirements of the Pathway, the Training Committee recommends to the BSANZ Board that the trainee be accredited as a BSANZ Leader.


  1. Fees involved in supervision, observation and support of the applicant are a matter for negotiation between the relevant parties. The BSANZ does not determine the fee structure.
  2. Entry into the Pathway for Balint Leadership Accreditation requires:
    • Membership of the BSANZ
    • A training entry fee
    • An annual training fee

Information about training fees is available from admin@balintanz.org on application.