Resources and References


  • Balint, E., Courtenary, M., Elder, A., Hull, S. and Julian, P. The Doctor, the patient and the group: Balint revisited. Tavistock/ Routledge, London/New York, 1993. A richly rewarding book about general practice and the nature of the work in Balint groups.
  • Balint, E. Before I was I. Ed. Juliet Mitchell and Michael Parsons. Free Association Books, London, 1993. Contains three excellent chapters about her work with GPs.
  • Balint, M. Balint Training: The Doctor, his patient, and the illness. Pitman, London, 1957; 2nd edition Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1964, reprinted 1986. Essential reading for Balint enthusiasts. Describes the Balints¹ pioneering work with groups of GPs in London. Excerpts by Frank Dornfest from Appendix 1 about training.
  • Elder, A. and Samuel, O., While I’m here, doctor: a study of the doctor-patient relationship (Tavistock, London, 1987). Description of work done in a Balint group.
  • Salinsky, J. and Sackin, P., What are you feeling, doctor? Identifying and avoiding defensive patterns in the consultation (Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd., Oxon., 2000). This book is a fascinating account of a group of experienced GPs who decided to meet as a Balint group over a period of time and focus in their exploration of the doctor-patient relationships presented at evidence that the doctor was using defences to protect against engaging emotionally with the patient.
  • Sanders, K. Mind From Brain:- Emotional Problems in Primary Care – A Psychoanalytic View. Westcombe, London , 2006
  • Shoenberg, P. and Yakeley, Jessica., Learning About Emotions in Illness – Integrating Psychotherapeutic Teaching into Medical Education.  Routledge, March 2014
  • Wilson, H, and Cunningham, W.,  Being a Doctor: Understanding Medical Practice. Otago University Press; Dunedin, 2013. In the tradition of Ian McWhinney and Eric Cassell, this book is a modern take on the challenges of medical practice. Based on numerous clinical stories, there are many references to the benefits of Balint work, with a useful Appendix on the method. There are chapters on the doctor-patient relationship, reflective practice, and self-care. The book will be useful for all health professionals as well as for leaders of Balint groups
  • Mayes, L.,  “Beyond the Stethoscope: Doctors’ stories of reclaiming hope, heart & healing in medicine” Angus and Robertson Nov 2017. Includes quite a number of stories of doctors who have had strong and meaningful associations with the Balint work.
  • Otten H.,  “The Theory and Practice of Balint Group Work: Analyzing Professional Relationships”
    Presents a practical guide to Balint groups and their relevance to clinicians in the modern world of internet diagnoses, distant patients and teams of specialists. (It is) an essential guide for psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, counsellors and medical practitioners and theorists coming to group work for the first time or utilising Balint’s ideas in their day to day practice. Routledge 2018

Introduction to Balint Work – Power Point Presentation (PPT)


Continuing Professional Development for Doctors



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Journal of the UK Balint Society

The Journal of the UK Balint Society is published annually in September and distributed free to members.  The current Journal can be obtained from the Secretary, by non-members, at the price of £5 per copy. There is a digital archive of all past issues of the Journal and Guidance for Contributors.